People often talk about ‘releasing’ difficult emotions…

Using the word ‘release’ as if it were just like dropping something in a bin.

This reminds me of what Julia Butterfly Hill said – we cannot throw something away – because ‘away’ does not exist. Julia Butterfly Hill famously spent two years living up in a giant Californian Redwood. Her presence lead to the long-term protection of these ancient trees. She had plenty of time to contemplate the big picture. Earth is one whole. So there is no such thing as ‘away’!

Our emotional landscape is also one big whole. Our soul is the experience of feeling. But if we choose to reject parts of who we are, we can block our feelings. Experiencing or resisiting.

‘Release’ can be like cracking a dam wall. Releasing the emotion to flow like water. Letting it have it’s natural course. Allowing….

Releasing feelings to swim within…

This sort of release is life-affirming. It may feel unpleasant at first, but inevitably lets us be more alive.

(thanks FortheVline, great photo!)